Friday, June 29, 2012

Wicked Problem Project

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The Problem:

Within every math classroom there are multiple levels of student knowledge and understanding.   Our district is trying to ‘close the gap’ of our students by integrating more technology and individualized learning.  Our next step within this implementation is one-to-one technology by implementing the iPad. The problem is that I am trying to expand my classroom and resources both inside and outside of the classroom, by using the iPad and its many resources.  Students need more one-to-one interaction and I want to find a way to help my students if I am physically not with them.  My project is based on finding an iPad application that I can implement into my math classroom

In order to integrate iPads usefully within my classroom, I needed to find an application that would be something I could use daily and in a productive manor to help supplement my math classes.  Both the students and myself need to know how to use this application and apply it within our lessons daily.  The big problem is that the iPad is a new technology for both the students, and myself, and it is necessary to find applications that are helpful in a math classroom.

The Solution:

With there being so many resources with the iPad, it was overwhelming at first to find a solution to my problem!  However, My solution to the wicked problem came in the form of the application ShowMe.  I knew that this was a resource that I would be able to use with the students both inside and outside the classroom walls! This application allowed for me, or the students, to make recordings off of our iPads of mini lessons, examples, projects, etc.   This allowed me to work towards a more individualized instruction within my classes. 

ShowMe allowed for students to reference material they may have needed extra practice on, needed more examples of, or to make short videos themselves to ask questions outside of school!  Either from access from their iPad, iPhone, or Computer, they were able to access the help videos and use more resources for questions, or problems they may have been having.   This allowed for students to be able to view these resources as many times as needed.

With their iPad, they were also be able to create their own videos, to either send to me for questions, or to be able to present material.  This allowed for learning to be happening outside of the restrictions of the classroom walls!

What is the Technological Pedagogical Knowledge for the solution?

With the ShowMe application, I am able to individualize more of my teaching by supplementing my students with multiple resources simply by making videos in ShowMe.  ShowMe allowed me to present resources to students by video examples, or mini lessons, of how to solve problems when they were both inside and outside of my classroom.  The technology allows me to share multiple levels of resources to differentiate for multiple types of learning styles.   This allowed for students to progress at their own speed, with the amount of resources necessary to them, and allowed for me to work more closely with individual students when they were in my classroom.
ShowMe also turned out to be a great resource for the students to collaborate both with each other and with me.  This was useful with group projects, allowing the students to share their work with each other, having them create videos of examples and lessons, and allowed them to present problems that they were either having problems with or having successes with. 
ShowMe also opened an avenue for students to communicate problems they were having on specific examples or problems, by allowing them to easily create a short video asking a question, and sending the video to either myself or their classmates both inside and outside of the school day.
This led them have an easy way of communication both between themselves and myself when outside of the classroom, reassuring that learning was still taking place outside of my four walls.

What is the Technological Content Knowledge for the solution?

Within this activity, the ShowMe application is the technology I am using to get the content knowledge and multiple references to my students. I am also able to use the technology to have students send me videos of specific problems they are having, so I can see specifically what their question deals with and how I can help them process the content knowledge!  This application allowed for the students to have an easier accessibility to reference specific material of the content they had questions about and also allowed for me to have more accessibility as to where they were struggling.  Every student now has the accessibility of extra resources at their finger tips at all time through the implementation of the iPad and specifically with ShowMe.

What is the Pedagogical Content Knowledge for the solution?

With ShowMe part of my pedagogical strategy is that the multiple resources, examples, lessons, etc. will be easily accessible to the students.  This is allowing the students to have access to a teacher, through lessons, examples, videos, at their fingertips at all times.  This application will allow me to have almost another ‘teacher’ to help guide students through the content.  These videos are easily accessed from the student’s iPads either through the direct link, or my classroom webpage.  This allows me to have the availability to work more one-on-one with students and determine their specific struggles both inside and outside of the classroom.   This also allowed for the students to collaborate in more activities and math practice both inside and outside of the classroom.
This was a great way to allow the students to collaborate more with both their classmates and myself on helpful resources and specific struggles! 

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Group Leadership Project - Group 1

Here is the link to our group leadership project presentation: Edmodo - Group 1

 1. What tool did your group use to deliver the PD tutorial?  Why?
    For our first brainstorming session we met with Vyew in order to discuss and collaborate of what our project would be about.  In order to deliver our edmodo PD tutorial, we created our presentation in google docs presentation and then recorded it in voice thread.  The reason we decided to take this path, was that we are all in different locations, job situations, etc. and google docs was the easiest way for us to collaborate!  We were then able to import this presentation in voice thread and still be able to collaborate and narrate our presentation together as a group!

2.  What did you learn during the development process of the final product?
     I thought that the use of google docs and voice thread were a very nice way to collaborate for groups work, especially since our group members were across the world :-)  I learned that it is very nice to work with educational people that have the same goals of educating our youth and trying to integrate different technologies!

3.  What would you do differently if you had to develop a similar product again?
     If I was going to develop another tutorial of edmodo or any other software, I would try to make the presentation include video to make it more interesting!  I would also think it would be nice to have a table of contents of the tutorial so if people needed specific help instead of the entire thing, they would be able to click on that specific topic.  Within the tutorial, it would also be nice to incorporate times that people could 'try' the software to see if there is anything there are still questions about (but I'm not quite sure how you would do this) and then have a place for them to ask questions, like a blog, and have either others or myself respond!  At the end of the tutorial it would be nice to include other 'similar' software so people have something to compare it to, or look at other resources if necessary.  This would be kind of like on iTunes when they say "people who bought this song, also enjoy these selections!"

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Part D: Findings and Implications

Part D: Findings and Implications

1.     Formative: Did the project get implemented as planned?

At first I realized my idea for my project was too broad!  Therefore, when I was originally planning, I was getting overwhelmed and discouraged of where to begin!  I was not specifying my search to look for ONE thing that would be useful within my classroom implementation of iPads. There are so many new technologies and uses with iPads that sometimes you can be finding so much that it is not helpful because you are not actually ‘grasping’ any usefulness.  Once I found the ShowMe application, my project was able to get implemented the way I had originally hoped for!  Since ShowMe was a new application for both the students and myself, I started by making a few ‘mini lessons’ for the students to refer to within the classroom and outside of the classroom!  These videos ranged anywhere from one specific example for the students to look off of, to a short video on vocabulary.  This allowed the students the opportunity for more resources, if I was not available during class time, or outside of class time.  The students were very receptive in using this new resource of mini videos.  They said it was nice because they could go to the specific video that was individually needed for the questions they were having, and most of the time, this little explanation was enough to get them moving in the correct direction again.  From there, the students discovered more ways for us to implement the ShowMe application within our class, since making the video was something that everyone would be capable of doing!  The students suggested using this application to send me questions, by a quick video, inside or outside of the classroom.  This is something that we will be looking to implementing more in the upcoming year!

2.     Summative: Evidence of success in addressing the problem of practice

My evidence of success was the acceptance of my students in incorporating the video lessons of the ShowMe application within their lesson and using this video as a resource when they were having problems and I was not there to assist.  I also knew this was a success when multiple students suggested us using this as a method for them to send me questions they may have when they are outside of the classroom, for me to be able to see and have them explain exactly what and where they having issues.  That allowed me to see the part they were stuck on and send them feedback of strategies, or resources, to help solving their problems.  Along with that, they were very eager to try this application, which allowed me to have the thrill of introducing something new to them that they were excited about and engaging them within the classroom lessons.

3.     How would you approach another project of this type differently given what you’ve learned here?

Given what I have learned, I would make sure that I had specified one specific thing I would like to focus on in my classroom.  Whether it is one new application, or one new classroom tool, I think you need to have a more solid focus in order for it to be successful.  I think the simpler your application of whatever technology, lesson plan, etc. the easier it is to focus on executing your plan effectively. 

4.     What are the lessons learned that others might benefit from knowing about?

I think the use of one-to-one technology is quickly approaching us throughout many school districts.  The eagerness to even experiment with new technologies and incorporations of fresh new ideas is going to keep you ahead of the pack and, in my mind, make you a more effective teacher when done properly.  Embracing these technologies, will allow for a more diverse representation of material, presenting the material to students in different technological ways, and allowing them to interact with programs that could help with the learning of specific skills.  Such technologies, could allow for more individualized learning and the opportunity for the students that need more resources, to have more resources, and the students that are able to advance, the opportunity to advance.  Within TPACK, the multiple resources and differentiation of instruction, will allow for the students to understand the content knowledge in a way that works specifically to them.  I learned that there are so many FREE technologies to try and take advantage of to use within your classroom and outside of your classroom.  With the students growing up on technology, it is something they enjoy and understand when used in education!

5.     In what ways will you endeavor to do the same project again, and what will you change or not do?

I loved this project!  I think I was overwhelmed at first because I was trying to focus on many iPad applications and with so many resources available, I didn’t know where to start!  However, this really opened my eyes to all the free applications and uses for iPad technologies within my classroom, so this allows me to know that there are many more possibilities out there for me to continue my venture!  That being said, I decided I needed to take one step at a time and find ONE application that I would like to apply right away.  The one thing I would have changed is that I would begin my project more focused on one immediate application, but know that there are many more opportunities to attempt at different points of my implementation!  I am eager to continue my journey in the iPad world and learning how to incorporate it into my everyday use with my students next year!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Part C-Implementation

Here is the podcast of my implementation of the ShowMe application within my wicked project.
Part C Implementation Podcast

ShowMe Application:


Friday, June 8, 2012

CEP 812-Mobile Learning

Mobile learning is something I am extremely interested in and is what my Wicked project is focused on.  With our integration of one-to-one technology next year, with the iPads, these resources were extremely helpful in looking deeper into mobile learning of all forms.
The was one that I was happy to learn about!  I found this to be a great resource for the forum discussions, to see what other teachers are doing within their classroom and how it is working out!  This is something that I will be sharing with my colleagues to offer another resource/networking opportunity for our new adventures with technologies.
I have used Poll Everywhere in my classroom before a few years ago when a colleague of mine had found the "new technology" that could encourage students to use their cell phones for educational purposes!!  It was hit then, since the kids could use their cell phones, and it is still a hit for the younger ones when they feel like they are 'being rebels!'  Some of the sample questions I used this time around included the following:

However, our school invested in the Promethean Board technologies and along with those interactive white boards, active expression clickers were also purchased.  This allows the access of polling, multiple choice questions, and short answers with a classroom device that is provided by the school.  This also helps with the possibility of a student not having their cell phone, iPod, etc. because they are still able to be involved and interacting throughout the class!

As for specific mobile learnings, I have tried some technologies dealing with our future use of the iPad.  One of the tools that I have used and really plan to integrate next year is the application ShowMe.  This allows me to make videos for my students of something as little as an example and share it with them in many ways.  I think when all the students are one-to-one with the iPads, this will be extremely useful by having both me send the students videos and the students being able to submit videos, presentations, examples, questions etc.

Here is an example of a short video I tried with my students to show them how to use the quadratic formula!  This is a little rough because it was my first video, but I loved how easy it was to use!!  I could then email it, Facebook it or tweet it right away to get it out to my students!  I still have much more to learn about ShowMe, but this is definitely something I will integrate next year!  Also, as a pre-warning, I attempted this BEFORE I had a stylist pen to use on my iPad, so please excuse my finger writing!

The major change that I will be having next year in integrating technology into my classroom is the integration of iPads.  This will be a huge integration of mobile technology throughout not only my classroom but within our district.  I see the challenges of 'teenagers being teenagers,' and needing much assistance of the 'proper' use of technology and the reminding that this is an educational tool, not a FaceTime, photo booth, game tool!

Part B-Storyboard & Script

For our group leadership project storyboard and script, we used google docs presentation to create a powerpoint Storyboard and Script.  It can be found by clicking here:  Storyboard & Script
In our storyboard, you cannot see our script unless you are invited into our google doc, because it is in our notes section of our presentation.  However, by looking at the notes, you will see the script that we plan to use within our final project.  If you would like to see our script, please let me know.

The part of the presentation storybook and script that I am responsible for was the introduction, posting notes and posting an assignment within Edmodo.  Each of us will do our own voice over for our specific scripts and then we will edit them together.  We will be using Voice Thread within our group for our final project and presentation.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Part B-Application of TPACK

PART B: Application of TPACK: Basic description of each of these areas and important characteristics of these areas as related to this project

1.      What is the TP knowledge for the solution?  (i.e., how does the technology you have chosen support the teaching strategies and methods you have chosen?)

Within technological pedagogical knowledge is described as the “knowledge of the existence, components and capabilities of various technologies as they are used in teaching and learning settings, and conversely, knowing how teaching might change as a result of using particular technologies.”
The iPad has a wide range of tools that can be used for multiple tasks, whether it be delivering a lesson or submitting an assignment, but within this project I hope to find a useful classroom/lesson application and a useful student application. 
With the iPad, being that it is portable, I will be able to circulate the room and reach many of my students not only by the one-to-one technology, but also by the one-to-one communication within the classroom.  This will allow me to actively engage my student both in their educational use with the iPad and within the discussions inside and outside of the classroom. 
There are many resources to use with the iPad, however, one of the main ones that I am researching and will be ‘Reflections.’  This is the way that I will be able to connect my Mac Book to my iPad to allow me to control my computer to give notes, show examples, etc. while circulating the room.
Another on that will be useful for my students both within the classroom and out, is ‘ShowMe.’
‘ShowMe’ will allow me to show students video examples of how to solve a problem, or have them show me how they have solved the problem.  This will be useful for group projects, allowing the students to share their work with each other, having them create videos/lessons, and allowing them to present problems they may be having within a particular assignment. This will help with the one-to-one correspondence by seeing student’s works, questions, and confusions in an emailed or presented short video.  This will also allow for easy communication outside of school for the students. 
A useful resource that I hope to get my students to reference within my math class is called ‘iFormula’s.’  This is a resource that the students can use to reference specific formulas, theorems, laws, properties, definitions, etc. allowing them to ‘discover’ learning on their own and further their education if they are interested on a topic we are reviewing.  This could be an easy resource for the students to reference as review, or may be a way the students prefer to discover and understand such math topics. 
This technology is going to open a new pedagogical way of a classroom dealing with how we interact with our students, both inside and outside the classroom, along with how classes may be managed, conducted, and executed.

2.     What is the TC knowledge for the solution? (i.e., how specifically does this technology make the content in your problem more intellectually accessible?  Be sure to think about representation.)

This technology with iPads of one-to-one student access is going to allow for all students to have technology at their fingertips on a daily basis.  This will allow for lesson plans to be presented as videos (allowing for students to pace at their own speed) and have access to specific technologies and applications for the type of work being addressed.  The students and teachers will have more resources to use, share, and explore on a daily basis to allow for further growth in specific areas of weakness.
This wide open access will allow teachers to ‘teach’ in a different manner than before, by using more technology and individualizing students needs more readily.  Students will be allowed to access capabilities to learn math in a new light and grasp a better understanding of how and why with technological enhancements and visual representations.
This technology will also allow for teachers to go about their daily lives in a different matter.  Things for teachers, such as attendance, lesson plans, etc. will be easily accessible from anywhere and at a moments notice with the use of iPad technologies.

3.     What is the PC knowledge for the solution? (i.e., how specifically do your pedagogical choices make the content in your problem more intellectually accessible? Be sure to think about how the student will experience the content given these instructional strategies.

One of the instructional strategies that I will focus on within my classes is a ‘flipped’ classroom.  This will allow for the students to view the lesson outside of the classroom, from a video, on their iPads, allowing for more activities and math practice in the classroom.  The iPads will allow every student to have access to these videos and able to advance at their pace that they need.
Another thing is that students can use these iPads for further ‘instruction’ or additional help with the applications available, the internet access, and the accessibility to many resources at the students fingertips.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Part A-Brainstorming Session (Group 1)

Our link to our recorded session can be found below:
Group 1 Recorded Session 

What web conferencing tool did your group use? 
For our web conferencing we used a new tool to all of us called Vyew. 

What were the advantages to using the web conferencing tool to discuss this project?

Some of the advantages of using this tool is that we were all in "real time" and could discuss and ask/answer questions to each other right away.  It was nice to be able to have us all there at once, even though poor Seema had to do it really early in the morning on her time (thank you Seema!)
This allowed us to be able to make our decision of what technology we would be focusing on right away with immediate discussion of any issues we may have.  It was nice because we also had the use of the microphone if we did not want to text our thoughts/questions to each other!  I like the microphone because you felt like you were having a real conversation hearing others voices!!  (although we are still working out our kinks of the echoing :-P) 
Angela had set up the bullet points that needed to be discussed, which allowed us all to have access to writing in and editing what our project would be about! 
What were the disadvantages to using the web conferencing tool to discuss this project? 

I think the main disadvantage to this web conferencing tool was the echoing of the microphone!  Other than that, I believe the tool was very useful in allowing us to complete our brainstorming session!

How might this be useful in the classroom?
I think this would be a nice aspect to use with group work, or study groups, to work either student to student or teacher to students to help either do group work or show them material they may be confused about.  It's nice because it allows for a screen cast to show your group mates or each other, and allows the opportunity to answer and ask questions, share suggestions, etc.  However, Sarah is trying another program WizIQ, which is something I would like to look more into specifically for my math classes :-)


Thursday, May 31, 2012

Part A - Description of Need or Opportunity

PART A: The Wicked Problem - A Need or an Opportunity

1.     What is the important educational need that you are seeking to address? This element is fundamental in this project. Since we have limited time, energy, and resources, cool technology without a clear sense of why it matters or what we gain by it is of little value in the educational setting.

The educational need I need to address within my classroom, and something that my school is seeking to address, is the use of one-to-one technologies.  Within our district, in the very near future, all students will be receiving an Ipad to use within the educational setting, and as a math teacher, I need to find out how I am going to incorporate this into my classroom, everyday lessons, and possible future hybrid classes.

2.     How you plan to address this educational issue with technology?  You need to make a clear and convincing case that your proposed solution will make a real impact on the issue you identify, and that your proposed approach is a reasonable approach given its costs and possible alternatives.

For this project, I plan to search specifically for some sort of application that would allow me to connect my lessons to my students outside of the classroom.  I would like to be able to record lessons, whether they be mini lessons for extra help, or access to allow me to easily transition into a flipped classroom within my math class.  I am hoping that this application would help for the future plans to use within a hybrid class.  Since this is a lot to take on at once, I will focus more on the usefulness and educational purposes within my classroom.  I would like to find ways to incorporate the iPad as an educational tool and have resources for my students to use them properly and not just as a 'game' tool or for 'twitter.'
If I happen to find a math application along the way, something as small as a free graphing calculator that the students could use on a daily basis, or a math simulation of some sort, that would be an extra bonus.
With this search and information being so overwhelming, I hope to find at least one main source for daily life of lesson/lectures to use within my every day planning and then at least one useful educational application to use with my students.
I hope to find useful technology within an Ipad to share with my department and my colleagues to ease the transition of such a technological shift.  With the use of my ipad and research, I hope to make a real impact on the usefulness and adaptations of such technology within our school.

3.     Logistics of solution: For example…

a.     What is the scope? (e.g., when and where will tool be used and for how long? Who all will use it?)

The Ipad will be used daily within all classes, starting in January.  Teachers will have access to their technology this summer to learn, use and play with in order to incorporate into their daily lives.   (luckily I have early access since I have my own MacBook and Ipad)

4.     Relevant research and resources (from the Internet and elsewhere) including reports on the closest effort you can find to what you are planning to do as well as ideas and materials you may be able to build upon in your own effort.  Your description should include:

a.     The results of your search (What resources may help guide your project? What resources may help in the implementation of your project?)
b.     What you learned from performing this search. For example, which search engines did you use? What strategies did you use? What helped or hindered your search? How would you search again next time?

There are many articles and resources both supporting and not supporting the incorporation of Ipads within the educational settings.   Since this is something that will be implemented, I have decided to look more on the positive side of the usefulness of such implementation.  Resources such as idea, lessons, apps, and articles are things that will help my project and my implementation in the future. 

One of the great resources that has been shared with me is:  This is a great resource to find some of the 'classroom' resources to use and allow for my students to get a useful and educational purpose with the iPad.  This resource directs you to specific apps for specific purposes within the classroom and could be useful in finding resources to use on a daily basis.

Throughout the year, our principal has sent us many articles dealing with different technologies, and lately a lot more dealing with Ipads.  This is something that I have found useful to look at since we are moving in that direction.  One of his articles that I found interesting was:
I found it informative that there are so many blogs out there that offer free resources and apps to use within your classroom and this blog features an app called "GoClass" that I would like to look further into.

Another resource shared with me that I will be researching further is:  I really enjoy reading this blog because this is a journey of a teachers 'adventure' using iPads within the classroom.  I think it is comforting to be researching at teacher that is diving into the adventures of iPads and seeing her journey and how she would tweak, improve, and add to her classroom lessens and projects by what she has learned along the way!  One of the blogs on there that caught my eye and made me do more research about was about the video lessons like 'ShowMe.'  I looked further into this application and realized how easy it was to use and how useful it would be within my every day classroom.  This is one of the applications that I will surely take with me into my daily classroom in the future!

There are many searches that find a lot of results dealing with Ipads, and a lot dealing specifically with education.  However, since the Ipad is still fairly new, this is still something that people are learning and improving on daily within their schools.

5.     A plan for the portion you will implement during this course and the portion you will implement after this course completes.

I plan to find technologies that will help me easily communicate with my students, show examples, record lessons etc.  That is something that I will focus on for this course.  After that, I will focus more on how I am going to implement these technologies usefully within my every day classroom.  I believe this will be a bigger hill to climb, so this is something I hope to continue to work on over the summer.

6.     How would you know you were successful?

I think any little bit of use I can find for daily help, lesson, etc. will count as a success. This is a new adventure for my district and me and I believe that any move in the positive useful direction is going to be helpful!  I hope to solidify a few resources that I will use on a daily basis, either lesson planning or implementing lessons to make this a successful transition!