Thursday, June 14, 2012

Part D: Findings and Implications

Part D: Findings and Implications

1.     Formative: Did the project get implemented as planned?

At first I realized my idea for my project was too broad!  Therefore, when I was originally planning, I was getting overwhelmed and discouraged of where to begin!  I was not specifying my search to look for ONE thing that would be useful within my classroom implementation of iPads. There are so many new technologies and uses with iPads that sometimes you can be finding so much that it is not helpful because you are not actually ‘grasping’ any usefulness.  Once I found the ShowMe application, my project was able to get implemented the way I had originally hoped for!  Since ShowMe was a new application for both the students and myself, I started by making a few ‘mini lessons’ for the students to refer to within the classroom and outside of the classroom!  These videos ranged anywhere from one specific example for the students to look off of, to a short video on vocabulary.  This allowed the students the opportunity for more resources, if I was not available during class time, or outside of class time.  The students were very receptive in using this new resource of mini videos.  They said it was nice because they could go to the specific video that was individually needed for the questions they were having, and most of the time, this little explanation was enough to get them moving in the correct direction again.  From there, the students discovered more ways for us to implement the ShowMe application within our class, since making the video was something that everyone would be capable of doing!  The students suggested using this application to send me questions, by a quick video, inside or outside of the classroom.  This is something that we will be looking to implementing more in the upcoming year!

2.     Summative: Evidence of success in addressing the problem of practice

My evidence of success was the acceptance of my students in incorporating the video lessons of the ShowMe application within their lesson and using this video as a resource when they were having problems and I was not there to assist.  I also knew this was a success when multiple students suggested us using this as a method for them to send me questions they may have when they are outside of the classroom, for me to be able to see and have them explain exactly what and where they having issues.  That allowed me to see the part they were stuck on and send them feedback of strategies, or resources, to help solving their problems.  Along with that, they were very eager to try this application, which allowed me to have the thrill of introducing something new to them that they were excited about and engaging them within the classroom lessons.

3.     How would you approach another project of this type differently given what you’ve learned here?

Given what I have learned, I would make sure that I had specified one specific thing I would like to focus on in my classroom.  Whether it is one new application, or one new classroom tool, I think you need to have a more solid focus in order for it to be successful.  I think the simpler your application of whatever technology, lesson plan, etc. the easier it is to focus on executing your plan effectively. 

4.     What are the lessons learned that others might benefit from knowing about?

I think the use of one-to-one technology is quickly approaching us throughout many school districts.  The eagerness to even experiment with new technologies and incorporations of fresh new ideas is going to keep you ahead of the pack and, in my mind, make you a more effective teacher when done properly.  Embracing these technologies, will allow for a more diverse representation of material, presenting the material to students in different technological ways, and allowing them to interact with programs that could help with the learning of specific skills.  Such technologies, could allow for more individualized learning and the opportunity for the students that need more resources, to have more resources, and the students that are able to advance, the opportunity to advance.  Within TPACK, the multiple resources and differentiation of instruction, will allow for the students to understand the content knowledge in a way that works specifically to them.  I learned that there are so many FREE technologies to try and take advantage of to use within your classroom and outside of your classroom.  With the students growing up on technology, it is something they enjoy and understand when used in education!

5.     In what ways will you endeavor to do the same project again, and what will you change or not do?

I loved this project!  I think I was overwhelmed at first because I was trying to focus on many iPad applications and with so many resources available, I didn’t know where to start!  However, this really opened my eyes to all the free applications and uses for iPad technologies within my classroom, so this allows me to know that there are many more possibilities out there for me to continue my venture!  That being said, I decided I needed to take one step at a time and find ONE application that I would like to apply right away.  The one thing I would have changed is that I would begin my project more focused on one immediate application, but know that there are many more opportunities to attempt at different points of my implementation!  I am eager to continue my journey in the iPad world and learning how to incorporate it into my everyday use with my students next year!


  1. Beth,
    I love that your students came up with creative ways to use the iPads and ShowMe on their own. Students are so much more motivated to do things that interest them and the use of iPads in your classroom is definitely one of these things. Our students sometimes know a lot more about technology than we do, and using them as a resource for discovering new ideas gives you a different outlook than what you would find on your own. It sounds like ShowMe has some really great applications for use in a math class or any class for that matter. You might think about sharing this with other members of your staff. If students are using the ShowMe app in your class it would be even easier for another teacher to integrate it into their lessons. I think this also connects with your use of a "flipped" class, and provides your students a way to communicate about mathematical ideas through the use of technology. I think ShowMe provides you with the perfect technology to blend with your content and pedagogical goals for this project. Great job Beth!

  2. I completely agree with everything Sarah has said above about student motivation and connecting with other teachers to use the same app in different classes. Overall the iPad is a great tool for students and for learning and I'm glad that you have started incorporating it into your classroom! I hope and expect that one day I will be in your same position. Thanks for sharing, you've done a great job with this project :)


  3. Beth,

    I can totally understand what you mean by the fact that there are so many softwares/resources available and that it can be overwhelming to try and focus on all of them at the same time. We need to concentrate and master the uses of one technological tool at a time and teach it to our students. This can sometimes take a good amount of practice before it can be efficiently and effectively used as a classroom routine. I also agree with you about the one-to-one technology approaching our schools today, and that it is definitely something students are growing up with. We, as educators therefore, should enjoy and take advantage of its uses. You have done a great job! Thank you for sharing.

