Friday, June 8, 2012

CEP 812-Mobile Learning

Mobile learning is something I am extremely interested in and is what my Wicked project is focused on.  With our integration of one-to-one technology next year, with the iPads, these resources were extremely helpful in looking deeper into mobile learning of all forms.
The was one that I was happy to learn about!  I found this to be a great resource for the forum discussions, to see what other teachers are doing within their classroom and how it is working out!  This is something that I will be sharing with my colleagues to offer another resource/networking opportunity for our new adventures with technologies.
I have used Poll Everywhere in my classroom before a few years ago when a colleague of mine had found the "new technology" that could encourage students to use their cell phones for educational purposes!!  It was hit then, since the kids could use their cell phones, and it is still a hit for the younger ones when they feel like they are 'being rebels!'  Some of the sample questions I used this time around included the following:

However, our school invested in the Promethean Board technologies and along with those interactive white boards, active expression clickers were also purchased.  This allows the access of polling, multiple choice questions, and short answers with a classroom device that is provided by the school.  This also helps with the possibility of a student not having their cell phone, iPod, etc. because they are still able to be involved and interacting throughout the class!

As for specific mobile learnings, I have tried some technologies dealing with our future use of the iPad.  One of the tools that I have used and really plan to integrate next year is the application ShowMe.  This allows me to make videos for my students of something as little as an example and share it with them in many ways.  I think when all the students are one-to-one with the iPads, this will be extremely useful by having both me send the students videos and the students being able to submit videos, presentations, examples, questions etc.

Here is an example of a short video I tried with my students to show them how to use the quadratic formula!  This is a little rough because it was my first video, but I loved how easy it was to use!!  I could then email it, Facebook it or tweet it right away to get it out to my students!  I still have much more to learn about ShowMe, but this is definitely something I will integrate next year!  Also, as a pre-warning, I attempted this BEFORE I had a stylist pen to use on my iPad, so please excuse my finger writing!

The major change that I will be having next year in integrating technology into my classroom is the integration of iPads.  This will be a huge integration of mobile technology throughout not only my classroom but within our district.  I see the challenges of 'teenagers being teenagers,' and needing much assistance of the 'proper' use of technology and the reminding that this is an educational tool, not a FaceTime, photo booth, game tool!

1 comment:

  1. Although we use Smart interactive boards at my school, the concept is the same. I love that I can do polling data through the clickers; however, I think I am going to use Poll Everywhere just so students can get those cell phones out in the classroom for a purpose other than trying to sneak a text!
